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( "ccc" -- c-addr u = Parse the input stream for a escaped string ) (see also 6.2.2008 PARSE)
and \U
to handle
unicode codepoints (4 or 8 digits) in a portablle way.ESCAPE (c-addr len -- c-addr' len') andshould be defined. These words could then form the basis of S\" and parse\". I have had to 're-invent' the escape mechanism leading to potential consistencies in the way S\" and my ESCAPE works!
UNESCAPE (c-addr len -- c-addr' len')
ProblemThe wordS" 6.1.2165 is the primary word for generating strings.
In more complex applications, it suffers from several deficiencies:
Current practiceAt least SwiftForth, gForth and VFX Forth supportS\" with very
similar operations. S\" behaves like S" , but uses the '\ ' character
as an escape character for the entry of characters that cannot be
used with S" .
This technique is widespread in languages other than Forth. It has benefit in areas such as
The majority of current Forth systems contain code, either in the kernel or in application code, that assumes char=byte=au. To avoid breaking existing code, we have to live with this practice. The following list describes what is currently available in the surveyed Forth systems that support escaped strings.
ConsiderationsWe are trying to integrate several issues:
Item 1) is about the common char=byte=au assumption. Item 2) includes the use ofCOUNT to step through memory and the
impact of char in the file word sets.
Item 3) has to rationalise a fixed width serial/comms channel with 1..4 byte characters, e.g. UTF-8 Item 4) should enable 16 bit systems to handle UTF-8 and UTF-32.
The basis of the current approach is to use the terminology of
primitive characters and extended characters. A primitive character
(called a pchar here) is a fixed-width unit handled by
ApproachThis proposal does not require systems to handle xchars, and does not disenfranchise those that do.
Note that now the number-prefix extension has been accepted, 3.4.1 Parsing contains a definition of <hexdigit> to be a case insensitive hexadecimal digit [0-9a-fA-F]. Proposal6.2.xxxx S\" s-slash-quote CORE EXT
LabellingAmbiguous conditions occur:
Reference ImplementationTaken from the VFX Forth source tree and modified to remove implementation dependencies. This code assumes the system is case insensitive. Another implementation (with some deviations) can be found at the gforth course tree. |
: c+! \ c c-addr --
\ *G Add character C to the contents of address C-ADDR.
tuck c@ + swap c!
: addchar \ char string --
\ *G Add the character to the end of the counted string.
tuck count + c!
1 swap c+!
: append \ c-addr u $dest --
\ *G Add the string described by C-ADDR U to the counted string at
\ ** $DEST. The strings must not overlap.
tuck r@ count + swap cmove \ add source to end
r> c+! \ add length to count
: extract2H \ c-addr len -- c-addr' len' u
\ *G Extract a two-digit hex number in the given base from the
\ ** start of the string, returning the remaining string
\ ** and the converted number.
base @ >r hex
0 0 2over drop 2 >number 2drop drop
>r 2 /string r>
r> base !
create EscapeTable \ -- addr
\ *G Table of translations for \a..\z.
7 c, \ \a BEL (Alert)
8 c, \ \b BS (Backspace)
char c c, \ \c
char d c, \ \d
27 c, \ \e ESC (Escape)
12 c, \ \f FF (Form feed)
char g c, \ \g
char h c, \ \h
char i c, \ \i
char j c, \ \j
char k c, \ \k
10 c, \ \l LF (Line feed)
char m c, \ \m
10 c, \ \n (Unices only)
char o c, \ \o
char p c, \ \p
char " c, \ \q " (Double quote)
13 c, \ \r CR (Carriage Return)
char s c, \ \s
9 c, \ \t HT (horizontal tab}
char u c, \ \u
11 c, \ \v VT (vertical tab)
char w c, \ \w
char x c, \ \x
char y c, \ \y
0 c, \ \z NUL (no character)
create CRLF$ \ -- addr ; CR/LF as counted string
2 c, 13 c, 10 c,
: addEscape \ c-addr len dest -- c-addr' len'
\ *G Add an escape sequence to the counted string at dest,
\ ** returning the remaining string.
over 0= \ zero length check
if drop exit then
>r \ -- caddr len ; R: -- dest
over c@ [char] x = if \ hex number?
1 /string extract2H r> addchar exit
over c@ [char] m = if \ CR/LF pair
1 /string 13 r@ addchar 10 r> addchar exit
over c@ [char] n = if \ CR/LF pair? (Windows/DOS only)
1 /string crlf$ count r> append exit
over c@ [char] a [char] z 1+ within if
over c@ [char] a - EscapeTable + c@ r> addchar
over c@ r> addchar
1 /string
: parse\" \ c-addr len dest -- c-addr' len'
\ *G Parses a string up to an unescaped '"', translating '\'
\ ** escapes to characters. The translated string is a
\ ** counted string at *\i{dest}.
\ ** The supported escapes (case sensitive) are:
\ *D \a BEL (alert)
\ *D \b BS (backspace)
\ *D \e ESC (not in C99)
\ *D \f FF (form feed)
\ *D \l LF (ASCII 10)
\ *D \m CR/LF pair - for HTML etc.
\ *D \n newline - CRLF for Windows/DOS, LF for Unices
\ *D \q double-quote
\ *D \r CR (ASCII 13)
\ *D \t HT (tab)
\ *D \v VT
\ *D \z NUL (ASCII 0)
\ *D \" double-quote
\ *D \xAB Two char Hex numerical character value
\ *D \\ backslash itself
\ *D \ before any other character represents that character
dup >r 0 swap c! \ zero destination
begin \ -- caddr len ; R: -- dest
over c@ [char] " <> \ check for terminator
over c@ [char] \ = if \ deal with escapes
1 /string r@ addEscape
else \ normal character
over c@ r@ addchar 1 /string
repeat then
dup \ step over terminating "
if 1 /string then
r> drop
create pocket \ -- addr
\ *G A tempory buffer to hold processed string.
\ This would normally be an internal system buffer.
s" /COUNTED-STRING" environment? 0= [if] 256 [then]
1 chars + allot
: readEscaped \ "ccc" -- c-addr
\ *G Parses an escaped string from the input stream according to
\ ** the rules of *\fo{parse\"} above, returning the address
\ ** of the translated counted string in *\fo{POCKET}.
source >in @ /string tuck \ -- len caddr len
pocket parse\" nip
- >in +!
: S\" \ "string" -- caddr u
\ *G As *\fo{S"}, but translates escaped characters using
\ ** *\fo{parse\"} above.
readEscaped count state @
if postpone sliteral then
T{ : GC5 S\" \a\b\e\f\l\m\q\r\t\v\x0F0\x1Fa\xaBx\z\"\\" ; -> }
T{ GC5 SWAP DROP -> 14 }T \ String length
T{ GC5 DROP C@ -> 07 }T \ \a BEL Bell
T{ GC5 DROP 1 CHARS + C@ -> 08 }T \ \b BS Backspace
T{ GC5 DROP 2 CHARS + C@ -> 1B }T \ \e ESC Escape
T{ GC5 DROP 3 CHARS + C@ -> 0C }T \ \f FF Form feed
T{ GC5 DROP 4 CHARS + C@ -> 0A }T \ \l LF Line feed
T{ GC5 DROP 5 CHARS + C@ -> 0D }T \ \m CR of CR/LF pair
T{ GC5 DROP 6 CHARS + C@ -> 0A }T \ LF of CR/LF pair
T{ GC5 DROP 7 CHARS + C@ -> 22 }T \ \q " Double Quote
T{ GC5 DROP 8 CHARS + C@ -> 0D }T \ \r CR Carriage Return
T{ GC5 DROP 9 CHARS + C@ -> 09 }T \ \t TAB Horizontal Tab
T{ GC5 DROP A CHARS + C@ -> 0B }T \ \v VT Vertical Tab
T{ GC5 DROP B CHARS + C@ -> 0F }T \ \x0F Given Char
T{ GC5 DROP C CHARS + C@ -> 30 }T \ 0 0 Digit follow on
T{ GC5 DROP D CHARS + C@ -> 1F }T \ \x1F Given Char
T{ GC5 DROP E CHARS + C@ -> 61 }T \ a a Hex follow on
T{ GC5 DROP F CHARS + C@ -> AB }T \ \xaB Insensitive Given Char
T{ GC5 DROP 10 CHARS + C@ -> 78 }T \ x x Non hex follow on
T{ GC5 DROP 11 CHARS + C@ -> 00 }T \ \z NUL No Character
T{ GC5 DROP 12 CHARS + C@ -> 22 }T \ \" " Double Quote
T{ GC5 DROP 13 CHARS + C@ -> 5C }T \ \\ \ Back Slash
Note this does not test \n
as this is a system dependent value.
2010-03-27 | 6.3 | Revised Reference Implementation removing endif and assumption on the length of a counted string |
2009-03-31 | 6.2 | Revised Reference Implementation taking into account the fact that no standard word may use the PAD |
2008-11-23 | 6.1 | Replaced description of \" (now the same as for \q ).Replaced the test cases with tests that do not assume the word can be used in interpretation mode. In keeping with the definition |
2007-10-30 | 6 | Clarification of case sensitivity: Escape character is case sensitive, Hex digits are not. |
2007-09-13 | 5 | Added clarifications |
2007-07-19 | 4 | Modified ambiguous condition. Added ambiguous conditions to definition of S\" .Added test cases. Corrected Reference Implementation. |
2007-07-12 | 3 | Redrafted non-normative portions |
2006-08-22 | 2 | Updated solution section |
2006-08-21 | 1 | First draft |
Peter Knaggs <pjk@bcs.org.uk>
Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences,
University of Exeter, Exeter, Devon EX4 7QF, England
web: www.rigwit.co.uk
Note that you can be both a system implementor and a programmer, so you can submit both kinds of ballots.